Sweet, Sweet Marjoram

Marjoram, also known as Sweet Marjoram, is an aromatic herb, and is a member of the mint family. The flower itself is rather small and unusual looking, and it sometimes forms in spikey clusters. The whole plant is very aromatic, with the leaves often used in cooking due to their spicy, potent flavour.
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When sweet marjoram is extracted using CO2 extraction methods, a gentle and warming oil is produced. The oil has a sweet, herbaceous aroma with warming effects, that can be helpful for the relief of everyday aches and pains in muscles and joints. Not only does this oil have physical benefits, it can provide emotional support too. It has been said that the Greeks and Romans regarded marjoram as a symbol of happiness. It can be very balancing, to both the mind and body. It helps to relieve tension and stressors from within. We suggest a few drops into a bath salts or massaged onto the skin to reduce stress and diminish those sleepless nights.

Sweet Marjoram and more

At Trelonk, we blend multiple essential oils together to create powerful formulas to give you a high impact tool that supports you and your health and wellbeing concerns.

Sweet Marjoram is combined with Ginger, Turmeric, HA Lavender, Eucalyptus Globulus, Rosemary Juniper, Frankincense and Blue Chamomile in our Power Through range. Marjoram excels in massage, soothing those muscular aches and pains. The spicey heat from the aroma, warms and soothes those areas in discomfort.

As well as relieving those everyday aches and pains, our Lights Out range combines Marjoram with Petitgrain, Lavender, Clary Sage, Ylang Ylang, Green Mandarin, Roman Chamomile, Vetiver, Indian Sandalwood and Neroli. This is perfect for a relaxing nigh time routine. Just massage the topical oil into your shoulders, chest, and neck, allowing you to smell these highly aromatic extracts, whilst relaxing your body. The aromas enter your body, and provide you with a deep and restful sleep.

You are also able to add the topical oils to the bath, allowing you to submerge yourself in a warm and cosy bath, feeling the benefits of the oil through inhaling the steam and the oils being absorbed into your body.

Inhalation of the Power Through and Lights Out blend also acts as a high-impact delivery mechanism. It has been proven that inhalation is the quickest way of feeling the benefits of plant extracts. Inhales can be bought alongside the Essential Oil Concentrates, providing you with a small and discreet delivery mechanism.

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